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A Change of Seasons

As we welcome Fall 2018 at AKA, we see positive changes in the communities that we work with. These positive changes are what keep us going at AKA. The road is not always easy, we do not always get the data that we want or even the results that we hope for—but we continue our work in communities.

Evaluation interns have returned to school and life- we celebrate their successes and wish them the very best.

New clients are reaching out. We see changes in the clients that we work with, the needs that they have, and the kinds of support that we can provide.

Existing partners are building capacity, sustainability, and direction that will help them continue their work in communities long after funding ends.

Reports, presentations, and papers. We are thinking, writing, breathing, and singing about the work we have completed in the last fiscal year. We are so excited to share our lessons, our hopes, and our future at AKA. Come see us at APHA November 2018, check out our publications list on our website, or send us an email and help us celebrate another great year of evaluation, research, and capacity building in communities throughout the United States.



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