Do you want to improve your understanding of concepts important to your organization or community? Let our team of expert associates help strengthen your capacity to implement quality programs and research initiatives. Our clients are impressed with the quality of training we provide. Many of our associates are also professional educators.
Needs Assesment
Our team uses several methodologies to collect primary data such as: key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys to assess community needs, community readiness, and workforce needs, amongst others.
Training Curriculum
AKA has professional educators on staff with several years of experience developing trainings for individual communities as well as national conferences. We are also proficient in curriculum and toolkit design.
Cultural Competency
Our team values learning about and connecting with other cultures. We have several decades of experience working and fostering relationships with cultures outside our own.
Sustainable Planning
The AKA team can help community programs develop sustainability plans to build capacity and maintain partnerships after funding ends.