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Writer's pictureKelley Milligan

Giving Back: Closing the Health Equity Gap

Why is giving back to community so important?

Our work centers on the principle that all people, in all communities, have the right to resources and opportunities that support good physical and mental health and well-being. Through research and evaluation, we work for community leaders, individuals, and organizations that prioritize giving back. The programs bring resources and opportunities to their community through innovative methods. Giving back to the community allows us, as individuals and organizations, to share our talents, knowledge, skills, and resources. Whether in our professions or through volunteer work, we can all give back. Research has found that giving back to our communities strengthens community networks, enhances the sense of community and community cohesion, creates positive physical and mental health effects, builds gratitude, and provides a larger sense of purpose. In the end, giving back strengthens the health of a community and our own health. This week is about recognizing the individuals and organizations that give back to their communities and encouraging all to get involved, in the ways you can where you are, to elevate the health and well-being of the communities around us.

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” -Winston Churchill

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