Eastern Shoshone Recovery Partnerships for Success Annual Overview
AKA supported Eastern Shoshone Recovery (ESR) in developing an evaluation of the Partnerships for Success (PFS) Program, a 5-year Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration grant awarded to Eastern Shoshone Recovery. ESR PFS aims to strengthen community capacity to address substance abuse issues and to expand current prevention activities to reduce substance use. ESR PFS made significant progress towards achieving its goals during the first year of funding using community-driven, culturally specific, tribal best practice (TBP) activities. This report provides highlights and recommendations for Year 2 and beyond.

Eastern Shoshone Recovery Strategic Plan 2021-2022
Every year ESR hosts a retreat for staff and invites the AKA team to join in a 2-3day planning session that captures accomplishments and plans for the upcoming year. These retreats are not what you would expect. This year we met at a remote cabin in Wyoming and enjoyed lots of laughs, excellent food, walks in nature, and we even watched Reservation Dogs. Over three days’ conversations shifted from our favorite movies and concerts to more serious topics like unresolved trauma, grief, loss, abstinence, and even paradigmatic differences in how people heal and recover. Our role is to advocates and support ESR’s overall strategic plan. We capture what is being said, identify strengths and weaknesses for each of the Medicine Wheel domains, and create recommendations and strategies that link the various ESR programs and funding with what staff need to be successful in the upcoming year. This report does not do the strategic planning retreat justice (you had to be there) but it does help ESR and our team be intentional in the work that we do and how we do it. #recovery #prevention