Restoring the Sacred Circle
Additional resources include protocols, worksheets, activities, guides and social media tools for professionals and families to prevent PSB, address adversity and share about practicing the Sacred Circle.

Sharing the Sacred Circle
These social media assets are designed to share more about restoring and practicing the Sacred Circle.
Click the links below to download and share!
Dewey Ertz
Dewey Ertz is an enrolled member of of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in north central South Dakota. Dr. Ertz began providing mental-health services in 1974 as a licensed clinical psychologist. This podcast includes six chapters with several topics about treating youth and families with PSB in Indian country. Dewey ends with his advice for professionals working in the field to restore the sacred circle.

Phil Stevens
Healer Phil Stevens (Dine’) works with youth and families on the Wind River Reservation and Doya Natsu Healing Center. In this podcast Phil talks about his life growing up on the Navajo Nation and the powerful influence of his grandmother who was born in the 1800s. Phil’s stories about grief, loss, spirituality, and prayer are part of the sacred circle each of us keep. Phil’s message to everyone is… to always walk in beauty.

Sacred Circle of Wisdom
Aunties and grandmothers have wisdom about the sacred circle not found in this toolkit resource or mainstream publications. We met with four Native women to learn more about how they keep their circles scared and prevent problematic sexual abuse. These women have respected positions in their tribes and families. In this podcast, these women share stories about their lives and families. They answer frequently asked questions based on their own experiences in tribal communities.

Tristin Wolfname (Chosen One)
Tristin Wolfname (Chosen One) is an enrolled member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe and a transgender woman. In this podcast she describes her experience living as a trans woman in a discriminating world. She reflects on what it was like growing up on the Northern Cheyenne reservation, the daughter of a Northern Cheyenne Chief.

Kaycee Martinez
Kaycee Martinez is an enrolled member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe and a mom of four children. She is the Family Spirit Program Director at the Boys and Girls Club of the Northern Cheyenne. In this podcast Kaycee reflects on her work at the Club and how PSB impacts children and youth in the community. Utilizing childcare providers is common on the reservation.

The information contained in this toolkit and multimedia content represents the views and opinions of the creators and not the views of OUHSC or states, tribes, and agencies. Mandatory reporting requirements and response to PSB varies between jurisdictions. For more information about mandatory reportings of child abuse and neglect, visit: https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubPDFs/manda.pdf